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The Burnham house was built by Nathaniel Currier and subsequently owned by his son, Edmund, and granddaughter, Marcia A. Currier. Marcia married Daniel McIntire and their daughter, Jennie, married Alfred E. Burnham. The house continued in the Burnham family through two more generations until being sold in 2001, thus having remained in the same family for more than 200 years.


From 1833 until 1870, Edmund Currier was the postmaster and the house served as Arundel’s post office as well as the family residence.

Lunt house.JPG


The Lunt house was built by Samuel Lunt, who married Elizabeth McIntire. Elizabeth was Daniel McIntire’s great-aunt, so the families residing in these two homes were related. The Lunt family farmed their land and occupied the home continuously until 2003 with the death of Dorothy Lunt Paquet. This home was also owned by one family for over 200 years.

The land and buildings across the Alfred   Road from the Lunt house were part of the original parcel. The barn built by Samuel Lunt burned, and its replacement was built on the south side of the road by John W. Lunt [circa 1830 – 1905], who was Samuel’s grandson. Also on the south side of the Alfred Road to the west of the barn is the blacksmith shop, which is noted on a map of the region from 1872 but probably pre-dates that. Another of Samuel’s grandsons, Samuel [born circa 1825], was apparently a blacksmith.


To the east of the barn, across Ramming Meadow Brook, is the Lunt cemetery in which Samuel and Elizabeth Lunt, as well as three of their children, are buried.


The connections in this area of town also include the house located between the Burnham and Lunt homes. This house was built circa 1820 and has been owned by half a dozen different families over time. From 1915 to 1944 it was owned by John B. and Ella Lunt, Samuel’s great-grandson and his wife.   John B. Lunt ran a brickyard on that site and Ella raised sheep and sold wool from the “garage”. Their daughter, Dorothy E. Lunt, was born and raised there and lived in that house until she moved “next door” to occupy the original Lunt home, where she lived for the rest of her life.


The last neighborhood connection remains only as a cellar hole. At one time, the Limerick Road continued north, crossing the Alfred   Road, to the Dennett Road. Approximately one-third of a mile north of the Alfred Road is the “McIntire place”, which burned circa 1935. Daniel McIntire is believed to have lived there* prior to marrying Marcia Currier.


*Specifics regarding the McIntire family are still being researched.

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